Saturday, February 28, 2015

Happy Easter Chickie

I thought the little chickie in the new Clearly Besotted stamp set, In Stitches Easter, was adorable....
I WILL say, though, you must have either a great eye or, as in my case, a stamp-a-ma-jig, for positioning!  Each one of the wings, the feet, the tuft on the head, and the beak are all individually stamped...and after a WHOLE bunch of failed attempts, I finally got smart and got out my stamp-a-ma-jig!!  SO MUCH EASIER with a much better result...lining up the chickie's parts THEN stamping...but ...that IS five separate stamps and five times lining it up!!  I have 2 more I made when I finally figured out how to make this little cutie, which I will definitely be making something with.  HAD to have little google eyes:)!!  So....he might look a little bare, but I was thinking white...egg...purity...Easter...and I was just too pooped from all my stamping that I thought it enough to put my little cutie a solo on this card:)!!  Thanks for visiting me today!! Hugs!! Lisa

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  1. love your Easter card Lisa x

  2. So cute, Lisa!!!! Love it!!!

  3. You did a great job on this little chickey !

  4. Sweet little chick! Gotta love the stampamajig, great job!

  5. He's very cute....but lining up & stamping 5 separate times seems a bit excessive and a lot of effort! Thanks for being honest and pointing this out!

  6. That chickie is so sweet!

  7. that's the cutest little chick.


I so appreciate your comments...thank you, so much, for taking the time to write:)!! Hugs!! Lisa