
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

CAS(E) this Sketch! 127...Thinking of You

I just had to do a card to enter the CAS(E) this Sketch challenge this week...the sketch is so much fun with amazing possibilities!!  Here's my card and the sketch...
 I don't know...a desire to experiment today:)!  I saw the squares and decided to make a flower as my image, to put on top of the squares that would mimic the squares.  
I edited the instructions:
I die cut 4 stitched squares in the 4 colors.  I then cut out 4 squares in the same colors (1 1/2"), adhered them together on light weight paper and die cut the flower from them.  I layered the flower a few times, the stitched squares twice, then put pop up dots underneath the outsides of the petals and two glue dots in the center of the flower to adhere to squares.  Here's a close up...

The sentiment on a card is SO important to me!!  I had to search quite a bit for just the right sentiment for this card...I wanted it to say "thinking of you", but the size, font, length...oh my...I tried a bunch of stamps, then found a wood mounted stamp by Hampton Arts that I thought was  "just right".  I think a sentiment is so important for the look of a card, and we often don't value their importance...they really need to so "fit" the card and space, not just fill it.  Just using any "thinking of you" stamp would not have made me happy, or this card look quite right....just a thought:)...
Thanks for visiting me today!! Hugs!! Lisa

YAY!!!  Thank you so much ladies at CAS(E) this Sketch! for naming my card a FAVORITE this week...
You made my week...congrats to all the winners this week:)!!


  1. WOW! Just blown me away with this one. So striking!

  2. love the color combo and how your flower coordinates with the squares - very creative, Lisa!!

  3. Wow !! Love your card and the colors are so bright and very well combined , just beautiful !!

  4. Oh, I love this and how you matched the colours of the petals to the squares! Fabulous take on the sketch!

  5. I love what you did with the flower!

  6. Brilliant I tell ya'!! Just perfect for CTS #127!

  7. Your card looks amazing Lisa and I love your clever design:) xx

  8. Lisa you just always have the perfect touch!
    Thanks for joining us at Case this sketch!

  9. Love your card, very striking colour combo! Stef x

  10. Love your card - thanks for thinking "outside the box"!

  11. Totally AWESOME!!! Love that flower!

  12. I'm in love with the colors and the match of colors in the petals and background. This is one striking card!

  13. So cool! Love the colors, too!

  14. This card is so wonderful, Lisa! I really love how you've made the flower and background work so perfectly together. You are right about the sentiment, I often do the same thing - trawl through all my sentiments to find the right meaning, size, shape, line thickness, etc. Your search paid off. :-)

  15. Beautiful, love how you devided the flower in the same colors as the background squares!


I so appreciate your comments...thank you, so much, for taking the time to write:)!! Hugs!! Lisa