
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Constellations Christmas...And a Give-Away!

As promised...another extra stamp give away :)...the Constellations Flowers stamp from Penny Black!  I had made a couple cards back in June which you can find HERE that I made using liquid pearls.  I must admit...I can't see this stamp without them...ok, I could , but am having way too much fun with the pearls:)!!  I made a few...super simple and easy layout with different colors for Christmas, will show you my two favorites!...
Both used versamark with silver embossing powder(hard to photograph..but you get the idea).  Here are the flowers in three shades of blue...
 A little close up...
 And with white liquid pearls...
The sentiment is Papertrey Ink Christmas Blessings and the ribbon is from Michael's.
 Confession time...I don't really do Christmas cards.  I will send to close family, but the scope of people we know is so huge, sending cards is something I could not even begin to fathom.  There, I've said it.  Am I the only one??  For your chance to win this stamp, let me know your answer to that question...Do you make and send Christmas cards?? lots...a few??  I will keep comments open until next Tuesday at 7pm. ..anyone... anywhere!  Would love to hear from you!!  Thanks for visiting me today!! Hugs!! Lisa


  1. love your cards done in different colors. i send a christmas letter - very short with lots of pictures(i don't like to read 3 page epistles from people! so don't inflict that on others myself). the cards i make are given to my friends as little gifts - i just let them pick one from my stash. that way i don't have to make dozens but still get to make some pretty cards.

  2. I love all your cards. I've never tried liquid pearls--am afraid I'd make a giant mess. I get photo cards with pics of my daughters, and usually try to get them out by New Years. Although I am Jewish, I love making Christmas cards, and I typically donate them all.

  3. Oh what a great way to use that stamp. I used to send homemade cards to everyone (60+ cards). Then I had a neck injury which limits how long I can look down so I changed how I do things. To family that is far away I send a photo card so they can see how much the kids have grown. To the family and friends who throw away their Christmas cards I get nice store bought cards. Then, for those who truly appreciate homemade cards I make and send cards to them (and since I make them over time, they are usually all different). Thanks for the chance to win this lovely stamp set.

    Snoopy :D
    Snoopy's Homemade Fun

  4. These are spectacular! Love the shimmer and the cool colours!

  5. Wow, these are gorgeous, Lisa, the liquid pearls add so much dimension and shimmer!!!

  6. I send lots, but don't you worry...there are plenty of people that I know that craft that don't send handmade's a bit crazy really! I love your is so stunning!

  7. I loved the flower cards you did over the summer - they're actually in my CASE file! :) These blue and silver ones are just as stunning!

    I confess I make lots of Christmas cards but they're mostly for clients. I can't remember the last time I sent one. *Hanging head in shame*

  8. These are so pretty!

    I am TERRIBLE at sending Christmas cards. I always have good intentions but somehow they dont' get done. I still have last years' batch, partially finished, stashed with my Christmas stamps. Maybe this year...

  9. I've been in love with that stamp since I first Pinned your card back in June! :)

    I send Christmas cards, but not very many. Even so, I still often don't get enough made, and have to send out a few store-bought ones.

  10. Gorgeous cards!! I make our Christmas cards ... probably around 60 or so ... and I am soooo far behind this year ... :)

  11. Wowsers! I love the versatility of this stamp and your lovely creations!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  12. Oops... forgot to tell you I make about 50 Christmas cards a year!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  13. The cards are so pretty. The blue one is my fav. I have never used liquid pearls, but it looks fantastic!
    Every year I promise myself not to send Christmas cards, just to my family and closest friends. And then I think ' this person should get one' or 'that one would be unhappy not getting one' and in the end I am super busy mass producing cards and normally I am not happy but freaked ot :-(

    Perhaps this year will be different? You should never give up hope...

  14. I love these cards, such a great stamp and I agree, the pearls just add that extra something! Thanks for the chance to win. x

  15. Wow, this Penny Black stamp is beautiful. I never thought to do a card like this for Christmas. I love both of the cards with the liquid pearls.
    Sending cards at Christmas is stressful, but YES, I still do it and I include a letter of what has happened in the past year. We have moved so many time and have friends all over, that this is one of the best times to reconnect with friends.I make my family special cards. Thanks

  16. Beautiful card! Yes, I make Christmas cards. Mostly all simple assembly line cards but I make around 60 each year.

  17. Beautiful! Love how pefectly you tie your bows!
    My turn to Christmas cards either! I do make cards, because it is fun, but give them to other people to send out to their friends & families. I do however, go overboard with my package presentation - so that makes up for the card thing!

  18. These are so elegant and definitely look fantastic with the liquid pearls. I do about half and half on the made cards and bought cards but still do send. Not sure I have enough of my made ones yet so better get cracking! x

  19. Love the cards. I have never used liquid pearls. Like Joyce, I'm afraid I would make a mess. Your work is beautiful!

    I make our Christmas cards (usually around 60) but not crafty ones. I draw something, scan it, then print out what I need. Last yeat it was a drawing of my sister & I taken from an old black & white winter photo from when we were little. I added color ornaments to the empty branches sticking out of the stump we were sitting on to give it a touch of Christmas.

  20. I've done pretty good the last couple of years making and sending Christmas cards...but it can depend on how busy I'm feeling each year.

  21. I've had the original cards in my inspiration file since the summer. I purchased the liquid pearls but hadn't yet purchased the stamp - I LOVE these new ones too - I'll have to move the stamp up on my wishlist!

  22. I love this stamp - and can see it being used for so many different occasions. It works brilliantly for Christmas cards with the liquid pearls. I make and send lots of Christmas cards - smaller more straight forward ones to those on the general card list, bigger and very special ones to close family and special friends. I love knowing that I've put something of myself into the cards I give and that, with the special ones, I've designed something different for each recipient.

  23. Wow, your cards are gorgeous! I love sending Christmas cards. I send out about 100 every year. I do make Christmas cards all year long no mad card making during the holidays! Doing my part to keep the postal service in business!

  24. I wish I had time for Christmas cards, but it's a busy time of year! We do letters with lots of pictures as a 'frame' so that we can keep the text short and sweet.

  25. For a few years, after I first started stamping, I made cards for the 100+ families on our Christmas list. Then I had twins and all thoughts of making more than 12 cards for anything pretty much disappeared. Now we send a Christmas letter.

  26. Dear Lisa,
    Your cards are amazing! Wonderfull glimmery effects. Myself, I'm making quite a lot christmas cards and at least try to send out a lot. I've got a big familiy and in the time of emails and facebook I try to keep sending some real cards to frieds, too.
    Greetings from Germany,

  27. Lisa, I enjoy perusing your blog and I really love this stamp. It lends itself to embellishment quite nicely. I try to make about 30-40 cards each Christmas for my closest friends and family, but not for my cousin, Jan. At her request, I give a store-bought card because she throws everything away eventually and says she feels guilty about throwing away my cards! Maybe I should sign them on a post-it and she could recycle! Just thought of that. Anyway, keep up the great inspirations!

  28. I remember pinning the first set of these you did a few months ago. Beautiful beautiful cards.

    This is the first year I'm making Christmas cards, and I've already discovered that I have more fun making "just because" cards than cranking out Christmas. Oh well. Lesson learned for next year!

  29. What you do with that stamp is gorgeous. I send about 40 cards to cousins, immediate family and a few friends who live far away that we want to keep in contact with.

  30. Your cards are beautiful! I LOVE making and sending out Christmas cards and I make at least 150 every year! I only have about 5 more to make to meet my goal of 150. I started way early! TFS!!

  31. Love your cards, especially the one with the blue liquid pearls. I send out loads of Christmas cards and I write a letter to all the recipients, that I print out and insert into the card - otherwise I would never ever get done.

  32. Lisa, these cards are spectacular! I love them! I only have one colour of liquid pearls. I can see I need more! :-)

  33. Absolutely beautiful! I always plan to make and send Christmas cards, however it usually ends up that my husband gets tired of waiting for my creativity to begin and sends out all our cards a few days before Christmas. Thank goodness for him or no one would get a card at all.

  34. What a beautiful card. I love how you made the flowers.
    I become your follower.
    Greetings Carola (from Sweden)

  35. Gorgeous cards! I get email updates whenever u post and I just love your blog. These are some of my favorites from your creations.
    I, too, am someone with great intentions, but often only make cards for close family. As I do them over time they are all different. I used to make photo cards for my mom to send out of the grandkids, but after making 50 for her to hand out, I rarely had time to finish my own. Never enough time .... Thanks 4 the chance to win this great stamp.

  36. Both are simply gorgeous!
    Hugs and smiles

  37. I do make them. I send out over 100. I work on them all year round. I got them all addressed and ready to mail during hurricane sandy.

  38. I do send handmade Christmas cards. My husband has so many "friends" that we could easily send hundreds. I draw the line at 50...that is all I make. We end up covering most of the 50 with family and the closest friends...sorry to all the others. We still love ya. :O) Love all of your cards on your blog. I am a clean and simple card maker and I am always thrilled to see your cards. Simple and beautiful. Thanks!

  39. These cards are just beautiful! I do try and make Christmas cards and tags. The first 25 cards go to Operation Write Home for our service people--I just think they need cards more than most. Then I make what I can in the time I have. Sometimes it's just enough for my immediate family, some years I get enough for friends and neighbors. This year I'm doing pretty good. When I first started stamping, doing this many cards was too daunting to think about. But as I've learned more about stamping, I've discovered ways to do better reproducible cards. I encourage folks to start small, maybe 5 cards, and slowly work up. It gets easier and lots more fun. WRE

  40. love to make xmas cards But I only do a few for hand delivery the po is too expensive so I'll find really pretty cards for the rest of my people

  41. I make all of them. Try to come up with a good flat card for mailing then get a little more creative for ones I hand out.

  42. How beautiful! Is there anywhere I can get patterns from this beauty's?

    Sorry if my language is very bad, but I am from Holland !

    1. Hi Yolanda! Here is a link to the is no longer made, but available here: Hope this answers your question:)! Hugs!! Lisa


I so appreciate your comments...thank you, so much, for taking the time to write:)!! Hugs!! Lisa