
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Case Study Challenge 84

I took a journey, last night, through some card making in my attempt to make a card for Case Study Challenge 84!! I had missed last week...went to look at the challenge, and it had already ended...but not THIS WEEK!  The guest Muse for the month of March is Laura Bassen...her work is Clean and Simple"y" AWESOME!!
The inspiration card made by Laura for this week is :
BEAUTIFUL, right??!!!
Well, I will briefly take you on my journey...I made THREE cards...just wanting to try my hands at negative die cutting with different's the first one I made: 
I used butterfly dies from A Muse and the frame is Papertrey Ink, as well as the sentiment(Daily Designs Sentiments).  I die cut the smaller frame in the 3 colors of pink, a larger one in black.  I die cut a large, medium and small butterfly from copy paper first and used them for placement and positioning when using the dies on the pink cardstock like a CHARM!!!  The black from the largest frame is what showed through, but I decided to take the largest dark pink butterfly and use the smallest die and make a dark pink baby butterfly to go over the black and then added some light pink rhinestones.  The gray panel is a piece of gray painted bristol board leftover from my daughter's art design class that packrat(NO, not hoarder) mom wouldn't let her throw away, DID come in handy....and I DID use it:)!!  I used a Papertrey Ink Impression plate on it not only has a pretty shine from the paint, but a pretty texture:)!!
Lest you think this was a card that was super easy...well, it wasn't hard to make, but it DID take some thought, just wanted to show you that I tried other color combos and layouts (the layering of the die cuts just didn't work for me)...
The second card I had to cut apart some dies to make this:
I decided to try a set of flower dies for my second card, and chose My Favorite Things Perfect Petal Trio, the sentiment is Papertrey Ink(Mega Mixed Messages.  The only problem is that the 3 different sized flower dies were made together on one die.  I took my set of all purpose snipers and cut them apart
For this card I chose 3 different shades of yellow, used just black background and card and no ribbon.

The last one(my personal favorite) I decided to use a set of frame dies.  I am a little embarrassed to say that I got these frames well over a year ago, and had never used them.  The only other spellbinder frame-type dies I have are circles, ovals, rectangles and squares...oh and diamonds, but these are the only ones I have with fancier curves...but I liked it and may have to look for some more, now:)!!
I thought to make this one with shades of blue, against a dark brown card(Bazzill Java)...the sentiment is Paper Smooches stamped in Early Espresso.  I found a teal piece of ribbon in my piles of ribbon, and stitched the ribbon with a button, around the right and left sides of frame.  This card will be going to my daughter in Nashville....I love and miss her very much!!!!
If you made it to the end of this very long post, thanks for bearing with me:)!!  It was a fun challenge, thanks, Laura, for your inspiration:)!!!  Thanks for visiting me today!! Hugs!! Lisa


  1. Sounds like a lot of work but they turned out beautifully.

  2. You are rockin these die cut apertures Lisa, loved reading about your creative journey too. My fave is the butterfly because it took some time to create and looks amazing :0)
    Jenny x

  3. Three great cases, Lisa!! Love them all :)

  4. Love the look of these cards especially the butterfly ones.

  5. These are wonderful, Lisa. I love them all, but the first one with the butterfly is just gorgeous. That Spellbinder die is one of the few I have. You've inspired me to try this! :) Ann Y.

  6. Lisa, while I struggle to come up with just one card in response to a challenge, you almost always come up with two, or three, or more... You amaze me. These are gorgeous! :-)

  7. Negative space is such an interesting new trend, but I've found it a little intimidating too. You've really outdone yourself with these, Lisa. Thanks for explaining your process. I'll have to try this again.

    Love the butterfly card, and the colors you've used on all your samples really set off the technique beautifully.

  8. All the above are just gorgeous!

  9. WOW fantastic cards! the last one is my fav! Thanks for joining us at CASE Study this week!

  10. Ooooh look at this cool effect! LOVE it!! Especially the butterflies in the labels. Thank you for joining us at CASE Study this week!! xx

  11. Very cool! I love all the variations! I'll have to get some snippers to try cutting some of my dies apart too!

  12. Delighted that I found you via Pinterest...I have those butterfly dies (love all the variations here) and can imagine it took some time to get this right. Lovely!!


I so appreciate your comments...thank you, so much, for taking the time to write:)!! Hugs!! Lisa